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SciFi Vision - Where Fiction and Reality Meet

Touch 1.5 Review: "Entanglement"

By John Keegan

touch_tv_show_iconIn this episode, Jake tosses out a random number, demonstrating his superior otherworldly intelligence, while his father Martin is sent on a bizarre quest to determine the number’s meaning, strangers’ lives intersect in super-convenient ways, and foreigners who embrace Western values are saved by high speed internet. Sound familiar?

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Notice from Webmaster

From the Webmaster:

Suddenly I noticed that the top menu bar was empty. I wasn't sure what happened so I went into the admin panel to check the menu - which is empty. It appears all of the menus items have vanished, and I have no idea why. I am hoping that it is something to do with the server upgrade, but I will try to find out. In the meantime, if you need a link to a specific article, please let me know, I can look it up in the admin panel.

Sorry for the inconvience

UPATED: Just found out it is because the server has been upgraded and is now running PHP 5.3. I'm looking into a way to fix the problem. Thank you for your patience.

Justified 3.13 Review: "Slaughterhouse"

By John Keegan and Henry Tran

Justified_iconAll of the focus this season on "Justified" has drifted from three main villains in Boyd, Limehouse, and Quarles. The ignored small-time criminals were Johnny Crowder and Arlo. Being loyal lackeys for Boyd through the season can do that. One figures very much in this episode and the other sets up things for future stories in the next season. For now, Raylan goes hunting for both Quarles, who is suspected of shooting and killing his State Trooper friend. It's an exciting, often tense, dangerous journey through many parts of Harlan. The episode pays off a lot of the little subplots that were presented through the season, some in rather shocking ways.

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Ferguson & Paglia Discuss "Eureka's" Final Season

By Jamie Ruby

EurekaEureka, which is currently Syfy's longest running scripted series, will be returning for its fifth and final season Monday, April 16 at 9:00 PM ET/PT.

The series revolves around a Pacific Northwest town which is not what it appears to be. The town is actually a secret community of geniuses conducting top-secret research for the government, always contending with the chaos of strange events, often caused by said research.

The show, created by Jaime Paglia and Andrew Cosby, stars Coli Ferguson as Sheriff Jack Carter, Salli Richardson-Whitfield as Allison Blake, Joe Morton as Henry Deacon, Erica Cerra as Jo Lupo, Neil Grayston as Douglas Fargo, and Niall Matter as Zane Donovan. The series also boasts great guest stars this year as well. Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and Ming Na will be returning.

The season will consist of 13 all-new episodes and will pick up where we last left off with the Astraeus and crew having vanished just before their planned launch to Titan.

Earlier in the week, Colin Ferguson and executive producer Jaime Paglia talked to the digital media about the upcoming season and what fans can expect.?

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The Borgias 2.1 Review: "The Borgia Bull"

By John Keegan

borgias-calendarI’ll be completely honest: I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the first season of “The Borgias”. I think that came through fairly clear in my reviews. Part of the problem is the distressing sameness of the episodes; since all bear the heavy-handed stylistic mark of Neil Jordan, there’s less of the creative variety that allows a show like “Game of Thrones”, for example, to play on expectation.

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Mad Men 5.4 Review: "Mystery Date"

By John Keegan and Henry Tran

mad_menNightmares are inherently scary. When people have them, it's usually in bed, at home, both places that are considered sanctuaries. This episode of "Mad Men" was about what happens when those sanctuaries are violated, intruded upon, and how we deal with such things. We invite strangers into our homes and beds sometimes. It usually turns out well, but every so often, the risk of having strangers in a place of comfort can yield horrible results.

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Ringer 1.21 Review: "It's Called Improvising, Bitch!"

By John Keegan and Henry Tran

ringer_iconIt really had to take until the very near end of the season for this show to get good? There has been a marked improvement in the show's quality over the past few episodes, and it continues here. The writers have somehow pulled themselves out of the muck and come up with a more streamlined story that can be built on.

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Touch 1.4 Review: "Kite Strings"

By John Keegan

touch_tv_show_iconThis episode crystallizes everything that works and does not work for “Touch” on a conceptual level. When the story centers on human drama, as it does with its three main plot threads in this episode, it is a reasonably good show about the better angels of our nature. As soon as Jake’s numerically-based insight comes into play, along with all those spurious connections, it all falls apart.

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Grimm 1.16 Review: "The Thing With Feathers"

By John Keegan

Grimm-2I don’t know if “Grimm” is trying to outdo “Supernatural” and “Fringe” by taking things to even greater extremes, but this was not a family-friendly episode. The force-feeding scenes were truly disturbing, from the opaque tubing to the very bird-like fluttering of Robin’s hands. Showing the preparation of the “food”, on top of it all, was just nausea-inducing.

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Hansen, Cole, & Porter Return For Season 3 of Fact or Faked

By Christiane Elin

Fact or FakedCriteria for a case: compelling evidence, available witness and experiments to replicate the evidence. Once again the Fact or Faked team, consisting of Team Lead, Ben Hansen, Lead Scientist, Bill Murphy, Journalist, Jael de Pardo, Tech Specialist, Devin Marble Photographer, Lanisha Cole, and Stunt Expert, Austin Porter uncover the truth behind supernatural phenomena caught on video or in photos.

This season, Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files Team Lead, Ben Hansen, teases that the stereotypical definition of what is paranormal will be expanded upon. Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files returns on a new night and time on Tuesdays, 9/8c on Syfy beginning on April 17th.

Scifi Vision recently talked to Ben Hansen, Lanisha Cole, and Austin Porter, who shared with us the sometimes physically grueling task of recreating the videos as well as what to look forward to in season three.

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Welcome! This is a place for those inspired by the strange, fantastic, and unknown. It is dedicated to those who share their talents with us and shine, whether it be on our televisions or on the silver screen. Here you will find interviews with celebrities, reviews from multiple genres, and other pop culture news and multimedia. While we originally started with a love for science fiction and fantasy, this site is no longer just for any one genre.Something you want to see featured here? Have your own site you'd like to see here? Don't hesitate to let us know!
Welcome! This is a place for those inspired by the strange, fantastic, and unknown. It is dedicated to those who share their talents with us and shine, whether it be on our televisions or on the silver screen. Here you will find interviews with celebrities, reviews from multiple genres, and other pop culture news and multimedia. While we originally started with a love for science fiction and fantasy, this site is no longer just for any one genre.Something you want to see featured here? Have your own site you'd like to see here? Don't hesitate to let us know!
Welcome! This is a place for those inspired by the strange, fantastic, and unknown. It is dedicated to those who share their talents with us and shine, whether it be on our televisions or on the silver screen. Here you will find interviews with celebrities, reviews from multiple genres, and other pop culture news and multimedia. While we originally started with a love for science fiction and fantasy, this site is no longer just for any one genre.Something you want to see featured here? Have your own site you'd like to see here? Don't hesitate to let us know!
Welcome! This is a place for those inspired by the strange, fantastic, and unknown. It is dedicated to those who share their talents with us and shine, whether it be on our televisions or on the silver screen. Here you will find interviews with celebrities, reviews from multiple genres, and other pop culture news and multimedia. While we originally started with a love for science fiction and fantasy, this site is no longer just for any one genre.Something you want to see featured here? Have your own site you'd like to see here? Don't hesitate to let us know!
Welcome! This is a place for those inspired by the strange, fantastic, and unknown. It is dedicated to those who share their talents with us and shine, whether it be on our televisions or on the silver screen. Here you will find interviews with celebrities, reviews from multiple genres, and other pop culture news and multimedia. While we originally started with a love for science fiction and fantasy, this site is no longer just for any one genre.Something you want to see featured here? Have your own site you'd like to see here? Don't hesitate to let us know!
