"Lost Girl" Cast Discuss the Syfy Premiere

By Jamie Ruby

Lost GirlPowerful Mondays return to Syfy next week, and with it comes the premiere of their newly acquired series, Lost Girl. The series follows the character Bo, played by Anna Silk, who discovers that she is not human, but Fae - a succubus. As such she must feed on sexual energy to survive. With the help of Dr. Laura Lewis, played by Zoie Palmer, she will try to learn to survive without killing. She is also joined by Detective Dyson, played by Kris Holden-Ried, a shape-shifter, and the third part of the love triangle on the series. He is also a member of the Light Fae, one of the two clans (the other is Dark Fae) who want Bo to choose a side.

The three joined the digital press to discuss the series.

Syfy Conference Call
Lost Girl
Anna Silk, Zoie Palmer and Kris Holden-Ried

January 10, 2012

Lost GirlSCIFI VISION: What can we can expect this season, since most people haven't really seen it?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: You're welcome to take that.

ANNA SILK: You want to. I can start, I guess. So, what we can expect in first season? The first season really introduces the audience to Bo and her journey going into this whole Fae world that she's, you recently discovered that she's a part of.

And the different people she meets along the way in that first season really become her makeshift family in this world, and Lauren, played by Zoie, and Dyson, played by Kris, are two of the very interesting characters that she meets.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, that's good.


ZOIE PALMER: Well done.

ANNA SILK: (Unintelligible) want to add anything?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I wish we had like...

ANNA SILK: I mean I can...

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: ...flags in front of us like "ding."

ANNA SILK: ...I'm sorry. I know.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Sure, I'll just pop in for a sec. Yeah, from Dyson's perspective, for season one what we see is the "lost girl" Anna Silk playing Bo who appears on the scene, a Fae who's been born into a human family and didn't know she was Fae. Describe her in this entire other world that she didn't know existed.

And my character, Dyson, is one of the ones that find her, just because in his job in the world, that's kind of his thing. He finds not only criminals but people who have done things that [they] shouldn't have done, in other words Fae, who are exposing themselves to humans. He finds Bo and a wild, crazy 13 episodes ensue.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, and then I guess just to finish off, I play Dr. Lauren Lewis, and so I'm doctor to the Light Fae. There are two types of Fae. There's the light and the dark. And I'm a doctor and a scientist to the light side. And Bo comes to me for some help on how to control some of the things that are happening for her, as she realizes what she is, starts to learn what she is, which is a Fae. And she comes to me to see if I can perhaps help her with my science-y self.

I ever heard of myself on the show.

ANNA SILK: And just to expand further on, Bo did grow up thinking she was human as Kris said...


ANNA SILK: ...and does discover she's Fae, but not only is she Fae, she's actually a succubus. So it's a pretty rude awakening really early on in the season. And she sort of...


ANNA SILK: ... it answers a lot of questions for her, but it opens the door to many more questions. And that's what we explore in the first season, how she fits into this world and the relationships she develops along the way.


QUESTION: So much of your cast is on Twitter, and I was wondering if you think that social media and all of the different formats that have existed and now exist have contributed to Lost Girl's success?



KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: We're actually quite lucky to have an executive producer who is quite media savvy.

And he learned early on, I believe from some of his other series that he's been involved with, about how influential Internet and media exposure can be. So he actually hired some people who he knew functioned well in that world, but I'm not quite sure where he found them from.

But we've said, "Hey, look, this is our show, and if you like it, talk about it, if not, don't worry about it." Lucky for us, they really enjoyed it, like Soni, S-O-N-I, the name she goes by.

She was one of the ones that believe in sh - it's been fantastic in creating bu and within that world people communicate with each other on such a fast level. And if you can get people that are interested in your show in that world, then yeah, it does a world of good.

QUESTION: How is your comfort level with the social media bu around Lost Girl?

ZOIE PALMER: Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but I think it's been pretty great. And it's overwhelming but it's been exceptional. I mean, and having the ability to interact with people who watch the show is kind of thrilling for us too, to be able to have that kind of feedback and to get a sense of how passionate the audience have been, and they have been very much so. So it's been great to actually be able to be a part of their response to it.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, and there's been such an outpouring of support for the show. I mean people that follow us on Twitter and various things, they really are big fans of the show and really care about each character and each relationship.

And whenever I tweet, there's one girl in particular who always writes back within, usually a minute. Now if she doesn't I start to get worried about her. I think she's in France, and I was like, where is she? She hasn't written back. I start to get worried, because the response is so quick. It's really great.

ZOIE PALMER: Anna (unintelligible) talking to fans is pretty much what she's doing.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: But what I also found, which is real interesting, is not just of the characters but the fans through these media outlets really get in touch with the person who's playing the role...


KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: ... I'm amazed at the power of a relationship that you can - 255 characters or however many Twitter allows you to write. I think it's something like that, because you know, about six months I've gotten to know these people. I know exactly who's talking about it. And yeah, I told her I was worried about her too.

ZOIE PALMER: (Nelly Cat), if you're out there, we love you.

ANNA SILK: Yes, (Nelly Cat), we love you.

QUESTION: Can you give us an idea of what shows are similar to yours in tone and style and content, just to give people an idea how to approach it?

ANNA SILK: Well, we've often gotten the Buffy comparison over the last few seasons. We're well into our second season here in Canada, and we still get that comparison, which is a huge compliment. But I have to say that I really think Lost Girl has such a unique voice. There's a lot of darkness. There's a lot of humor. It's a pretty sexy show.

It's like nothing I've ever seen before on television. I mean the Buffy comparison is really nice. We get True Blood comparisons as well, and there's an investigative side to things as well. So I guess it's a lot of different things all rolled into one.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, but those are the ones that come up [with] a lot, right, would be Buffy and True Blood and...


ZOIE PALMER: ... in that genre of - it's not a werewolf show, or a vampire show, I should say, but we certainly get compared to anything that has that kind of feel to it.


ANNA SILK: Scooby-Doo.



ZOIE PALMER: I noticed, by the way.

ANNA SILK: Kris, that makes you Shaggy. You know that.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: No, no, that was Scooby that time, my bad.


ZOIE PALMER: So, yeah, I think that'd be nice, wouldn't you?



KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, sorry. I can't really comment on that one, because I don't really watch much TV. I don't know what's out there.

ANNA SILK: Well, we watch enough for you.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, I know you do.

QUESTION: Can you each talk about the appeal of Bo and what you guys love about the triangle relationship as the season evolves?

ANNA SILK: Did you say the appeal of Bo?


ANNA SILK: The appeal of Bo, I mean since I play Bo, I don't know. I think that the appeal of Bo for me when I read the initial pilot was just how - even though she's a succubus and she's not human and she's going to be thrown into this crazy world, she's really relatable. She's a very relatable character. She's intensely vulnerable and also has to grow and find her way, and there's a lot of growth for her in the series.

And I think that that's what, having talked to fans and even myself, that's what I related to in her and that's what I found appealing was that she's strong and sexy and all of those things, but she's scared a lot of the time and vulnerable and has to figure out things as she goes.

And then the love triangle that unfolds that the (INs) gets introduced to in season one is pretty, pretty interesting. Anyone care to comment?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Ladies first, Zoie.

ZOIE PALMER: You led us right up to the love triangle and dropped us off. The love triangle is, yeah, it's just that, isn't it? I think that everyone who meets Bo, including Dyson and Lauren, are sort of taken with her, for reasons that I don't know that - well, I think Lauren is taken with her for reasons that I don't know that she can explain entirely. And she's obviously beautiful. You're beautiful, Anna.

ANNA SILK: Thank you.

ZOIE PALMER: But there's something about her, I think that draws people into her, and I think that that's what Lauren finds right away. And I think it's a surprise that she feels that way, that that happens. I think she works for the Light Fae and she does her job and she's a scientist and then along comes this creature, this person, this woman who does something to her, and I don't know that's she sure what that something is, certainly from Lauren's side, anyway. Kris?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I think with Dyson it's pretty simple, he introduces - got these - got this incredible cleavage - and no. Sorry.

ZOIE PALMER: And end right in the cleavage.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I think for Dyson, the mythology behind Dyson's character has a lot to do with he's a protector. The wolf was - its entire job in existence was protecting its liege or its king, whoever it was assigned, and in Bo he sees an innocent but beautiful and vulnerable woman that he finds one, beautiful and fascinating, but also [brings] those instincts out in him.

And there's also some historical stuff behind Trick and Bo and Dyson that the audience will find out about that also plays into this as well, but I think it's really a deep- seated instinct in Dyson's want to protect Bo, and in doing so, he gets feelings for her.

QUESTION: Most of the U.S. hasn't even seen episode one, but you guys are already way far into season two, and how do you prepare for these interviews without revealing what happens at the end of season two?

ANNA SILK: It's hard.

ZOIE PALMER: (Unintelligible) and be careful.

ANNA SILK: It's hard, because we've been living it now and experiencing it, and to go back and try to lay the groundwork for what's about to come. In some ways it's hard. In some ways it's easier because we have [a] better understanding, I think, of the show and of our characters and we've gotten to live it for quite a while now.

But it is challenging. We're really excited that American audiences get to experience it from the very, very start. So we're curious to see how they respond.

Anna SilkZOIE PALMER: I kind of love it too, I kind of love remembering that time, because it was great for us too. It was as new for us as it will be for audiences, and we were all meeting each other, and although we had known each other a little bit prior to the show, we were getting to know each other on the show and creating relationships between ourselves too. So it's kind of fun to remember that time, for me.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, it's great. Season one was such a great trip, because it was that sort of (unintelligible), meeting the characters all getting together, what's happening, who is everybody. It's really quite nice to actually go back and remember where it came from, because yeah, we're actually finishing up episode 22 tomorrow, or 21 tomorrow.

ZOIE PALMER: Twenty-one, yeah.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: We have one more left, so we're already in another world.

ANNA SILK: That's right.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah. So difficult but fun.



KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: And you know, throw on tons of food and liquor and just blow some brain cells right out and...

ANNA SILK: What? What happened? I didn't catch the segue into that.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I guess it was all in my own brain.

ANNA SILK: You were here, whatever you said.

QUESTION: The whole fairy mythology is largely untapped in a lot of TV shows out there right now. Where did you look for inspiration? How far did you go into Fae myths, and when you were first offered this job, did you kind of blow it off, like, "Fairies? Who wants to do that?"

ANNA SILK: I didn't think that when I first read about it. What I thought was the original description of the show was that she was this sexual creature who needs sex to survive. So my initial thought was, "Are you kidding me?" You know, "What is this?"

But then to really read what it was about, I knew what a succubus was, and it's a pretty intriguing role to play. I mean it's obviously a very sexual role. She's a sexual being, but that's I think what is another element that makes our show stand out. And it's a pretty fun power to have, I have to say.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: For me, I've always been a fan of this kind of genre. I grew up reading fantasy novels, everything from "Dragon Lands" to "Eye of the World," you know, (David Edding), was it "Game of Thrones?" And so when I got a chance to jump at a role like this, I was all for it, because I grew up running through the woods by my parents' farm, pretending that I was whatever, an elf, and how much further is (unintelligible).

ANNA SILK: Everyone heard you say that, Kris.

ZOIE PALMER: You just announced that to the world now.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I mean you know

ZOIE PALMER: I grew up running through the forest with my shirt off, you know, how kids do.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Isn't every childhood like that?

ZOIE PALMER: No, absolutely. I did for sure.

ANNA SILK: Well, I spent one summer as Wonder Woman. So, there's that, you know.

ZOIE PALMER: The whole summer?

ANNA SILK: I get it. I get it. Yeah, the whole summer. Rubber boots, bathing suits, red wristbands, headband, you know.



ANNA SILK: There was a lot of crime in my neighborhood.

ZOIE PALMER: No, absolutely, you had to fight it. I get it. Sorry.


ZOIE PALMER: I don't have anything that even comes close to comparing, but I had never done any kind of - I didn't watch sci fi genretype television except Battlestar Galactica, which isn't really comparable to this show at all.

So it was really new for me to be on a show like this and to play a character, and of course, I play human, so that I didn't need to do a ton of research in terms of my own character, but it's been a great experience, way better than I could have ever imagined. It's such a fun job to play on this kind of a show. It's fantasy and play and...yeah.

QUESTION: I've only seen the pilot, but there's the Light Fae and the Dark Fae. It seems kind of like a political system of sorts. Can you talk a little bit about how that interacts with more of the personal side, like what's the balance between the two in the first season?

ANNA SILK: Well, you're right in saying that it is a really intricate political system, and there's a lot of push and pull between the two sides. I think that's the world that Bo finds herself in. Not only is she in the world of the Fae, she's in a world that's divided, and there's a peace that has be kept between those sides, and that balance is really precarious. And anything could tip that balance and lead to a lot of trouble.

So it's a really intricate system. That's a really big part of the show that I think makes it very interesting. And it's certainly interesting for us as actors to play in.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, all of our characters interact with it in different ways. Dyson is an age-old member of the Light Fae. I guess the differences between the two systems...is Light Fae try to live in a symbiotic relationship with humanity, and the Dark Fae are more interested in dominating humanity. And that is the philosophical difference between the two.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, and as a Fae, you've got to align yourself with one side or the other. That's just what you do.

ZOIE PALMER: That's expected of you, yeah.

ANNA SILK: Yeah. And that's something that Bo has trouble with.

ZOIE PALMER: And therefore everyone (unintelligible).

QUESTION: Is there a clear line between what's good and bad then? So it's definitely the light is good and the dark is bad?

ANNA SILK: No, I would just say the dark is particularly bad. But it's not about good and bad. I mean - Zoie, are you trying to say something about that?

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, I don't know that there's ever - do we ever reference good and bad? I feel like it's sort of everyone has their reasons for their behavior sort of thing.


ZOIE PALMER: And that idea that the Light Fae try to live in harmony with humans in a way that the Dark Fae doesn't necessarily care about. I don't think they're necessarily concerned about that in a way that the Light Fae are, would be the fundamental difference. I think that they both would commit acts that most of us would consider good and bad.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Pretty atrocious.


KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, I think from the humans' perspective perhaps darker, not as good, but within the Fae world, I don't think there's a real connotation of good and bad.

ZOIE PALMER: Right. People - they do what they have to do.


ANNA SILK: And there's a lot of (unintelligible).

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: All Fae do to survive.

ANNA SILK: Yeah. And one of the number one rules in...

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: (Unintelligible).

ANNA SILK: I'm sorry, Kris. Go ahead.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I was just saying that all Fae need to survive off of some energy system and give, whether it's flesh, whether it's spirit, whether it's anger...

ZOIE PALMER: Emotional, sexual, yeah.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Exactly. Humans are the food source for all Fae. So, it just human mythology or the philosophies behind how we...

ZOIE PALMER: How it's done.

ANNA SILK: And one of the main rules about being Fae is to keep the world secret from humans. So that's another element to the show as well. There are certain humans that do know about us, you know, obviously Lauren.

ZOIE PALMER: Hello. I know.

ANNA SILK: You know. But yeah, we've got to keep it secret.

QUESTION: I'm going to tell everyone.


QUESTION: As soon as I get off this phone.

ANNA SILK: You're calling all the other humans?

QUESTION: That's right, I'm calling everyone. I'm telling them. Thank you very much.

ANNA SILK: Thank you.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: My pleasure. I hope we answered your question.

QUESTION: Personally, I thought [the pilot] was one heck of an info-dump, but it's necessary because the world is just so intricately developed. So...you have all this information that's coming and you have all the action; what were the challenges of shooting the pilot with all that going on?

ANNA SILK: Wow, as an actor, I've been very fortunate to play this role, obviously, but Bo is completely new to this world, and so she does act like the audience. She does get to learn. And as the actor, I've gotten to learn and grow along with her, which has been a real gift.

Bo has a lot of questions, particularly in the first season, and as a cast we would get every episode in that first season and just be like, wow, there's this new thing we're going to learn about. There's a new type of Fae, a new creature, a new challenge every episode.

So shooting the pilot, our original first episode, was - the challenges came from getting a show up and running for one distance from that point of view and just trying to lay the foundation for where the show would go and introduce the Fae world to Bo and to the audience.

And the physical stuff, it's challenging. It's fun. I love doing it and it does make me feel a stronger connection to Bo, because she's pretty tough. So I like it.

QUESTION: I had posted on Twitter for questions, and I didn't know how popular this show was. I posted it and one of my people posted it to like 10,000 people or whatever. So I got a lot of questions.

(Craig McDonald) wanted to know if Anna Silk has had much fight training before taking on the role of Bo.

ANNA SILK: Well, I mean not like I - not really, to be honest. I -

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: (Unintelligible) Wonder Woman.


ANNA SILK: But I was 6, I was figuring it all out. But I think by the end of summer I didn't fit into my bathing suit anymore, because I was growing tall, not wide.


ANNA SILK: What? It was a stressful summer.

No, I did not have a lot of fight training. The worst thing to do is get Zoie and I laughing, because we never stop. So no, I did not have a lot of fight training, but I prepared, once I got the role I prepared for the pilot. I worked with a trainer to try to get really strong and ready to do whatever it was I was going to be doing.

Plus, we had to work out what Bo's fighting style would be, we didn't really know until we established it over the first season. And so between the second and third season I worked with a martial artist, actually in the mornings in Griffith Park in LA, I would work with him and we would do all of this really cool stick work, just to learn to be a little bit more grounded.

So it's an evolving thing for me, and it's something that I do work hard at to make her powers grow and to make her become more and more capable as she embraces her powers. So, yeah, I didn't do a lot, but I continue to do stuff.

QUESTION: What kind of a journey would you say that your characters are on during this first season?

ZOIE PALMER: Okay, well.

ANNA SILK: Well, go ahead, Zoie.

ZOIE PALMER: For Lauren, we discovered that she's indebted to the Light Fae, and specifically the leader of the Light Fae, the Ash, for some reason that we don't know.

And so we've gone that journey and it's a bit of guess why...a human working for the Fae at all is a bit unusual in this way. Working with the Fae would be a bit unusual. So it's a bit of a discovery about who Lauren is and where she's from and what her story is.

And of course, the development of the relationship with Bo and the rest of the characters on the show, for Lauren anyway. Anyone else?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I think for Dyson it's the discovery and the journey of Bo. He's been in the Fae world for a millennia and the only thing that's really new for him is this young woman who's come from nowhere and that's pretty much the center of his journey.

ANNA SILK: I think for Bo, the journey is just so huge. She's coming from a world where she grew up thinking she was human and has urges beyond normal sort of teenage sexual urges that resulted in a body count. So she's been on the run for a while.

And so the beginning of the series is when she learns that she's not human, that she's Fae. So that journey is just so big, and it continues to be every day, every episode. Particularly in the first season, but even in the second season, she's constantly learning. So her journey is ongoing, very much so.

QUESTION: The show sort of has a detective element with Bo and the Fae element. Which do you prefer working on, the mystery-of-the-week type stories or the ones that go into the mythology?

ANNA SILK: In the first season I feel like the mystery-of-the-week stuff sort of lent itself to learning about the mythology. I think that's how Bo -- and the audience -- learns about each different type of Fae and all the different energies that are out there.

But I don't know. I feel like I can't answer that question. I feel like both. I really - I like both.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Sorry. My phone got kind of (gargly) there for a second. Could you repeat the question?

QUESTION: We've got the mixture of the detective stories and the ones that are based more around the Fae mythology. Which do you prefer working on more?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, just like what Anna said, is that they get intertwined so much. I enjoy the police procedural stuff, but I think for me is more of a fantasy genre, romantic. I enjoy looking into the different aspects of the Fae because most of our Fae creatures we pull from actual human superstitious or religious or like backgrounds. And I find it actually fascinating finding out about these strange, fairy creature that lived in Chinese folklore or German folklore or I find those little characters support, those little insights to that culture fascinating, and I really enjoyed learning about them on our show.

Zoie PalmerZOIE PALMER: Yeah, I don't know that I have a lot to add to that. I think you guys pretty much - it's true. The story of the week often has delved into the history of the Fae too. So, that's right.

QUESTION: Could you tell us a little bit about how you each became initially involved on the show, and perhaps about the audition process for your respective role?


KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Well, basically I picked Anna up, pushed her into the wall, and (unintelligible).

ANNA SILK: Yes, that's the actual audition, yeah.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I kind of groped her. That was how I got...

ZOIE PALMER: That's also what I did.

ANNA SILK: You picked me up.

ZOIE PALMER: Kris said, "It worked for me. This is what I did." And so I just went in and I threw her up against the wall and hoped for the best.

ANNA SILK: Kris and I actually left a crack in the wall at the casting director's office.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, she broke the drywall.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, that was an interesting audition for sure.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah. Anna wasn't anticipating...


ANNA SILK: I'm sorry. Go ahead.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Anna wasn't anticipating what I was going to do and was wearing a short skirt at the time, and I think, the biggest surprise on her face was the fact that it was riding up a little too high.

ANNA SILK: Yes, I was little afraid I was going to fall to the floor without my dress on anymore.

ZOIE PALMER: But if anything pulls you out of character more than when you think your clothes are falling off.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, than suddenly been nude, yes.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah. Suddenly being nude.

ANNA SILK: But in terms of the audition process, I was in Los Angeles, and I self-taped for the role and sent it off, which is something as actors, we've all done over the years many times to no avail. But this particular [audition] tape got a pretty quick response.

And before I knew it I was in Toronto to screen test, and that's when I screen tested with Kris - and then we both found out we got the role, which was great. And then I screen tested with (Billy) a little bit later in the process, but I'd known Zoie for several years just from being around the audition circuit in Toronto, and I never really liked her. No, I'm kidding.

ZOIE PALMER: No, no, it was really hard for us to overcome the nightmare that was our relationship.

ANNA SILK: Yeah. No, no, no, I've always loved her. I always thought she was really cool, and so I've been really lucky with both Kris and Zoie to get to know them. But the way we have, and that we actually all booked this job that we're so lucky to have.


ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, in a nutshell.


QUESTION: I spoke to Rick Howland a few months ago, and he said that one of things that you found is you've had a lot of people approaching you at conventions, saying that your relationship on the screen has helped them come out as gay or as bisexual or whatever. I'm just wondering how do feel about that as actors...

ANNA SILK: Well...

Ian Cullen: ...getting that kind of response?

ANNA SILK: ...I think that for Zoie and I, it was really important that the relationship between Bo and Lauren was really authentic and really real and relatable. I mean we knew it had to be. It's meant to be, and I guess the response to it is kind of a testament to, you know, I think we've been pretty successful with it, the writing has been there as well for us.

But I think that was something that Zoie and I worked really hard to make sure that it was truthful. And the fact that it resonates with people and if it encourages people in any way to be their own authentic self, then I think that's fantastic.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, obviously, this relationship, a same-sex relationship, there isn't a ton of that television, and so we've managed, with the help of the writers and everybody, to pull off a relationship that is relatable to people, I think is a big compliment. I think it's really great, and I would feel really pleased about it when somebody says something like that. We've had a couple of those experiences at like...


ZOIE PALMER: ...(Annex Bo), and that kind of thing where somebody's come up and said, you know, "It means a lot." And I think it's great. I'm thrilled about that.

ANNA SILK: Yeah. And I love that on the show too, it's not talked about as a same-sex relationship.

ZOIE PALMER: It just is one, yeah.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, it's just - it's a relationship, and that's that.

ZOIE PALMER: The Coke and gay thing or the - yeah, that's cool. It's that there's just in the relationship, whatever it looks like, however it...


ZOIE PALMER: ...in the way that Dyson and Bo are in one, and it's never discussed on the show...


ZOIE PALMER: ...which I love too. I think that's great.

QUESTION: I've seen most of the first season, and it's, [a] fantastic show. And immediately filmed season two, are you going to be back for a third season? Do you know yet?

ANNA SILK: We do know, and we are.

QUESTION: That's fantastic news.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, yeah, we're pretty excited. We'll start shooting again probably in the spring.

QUESTION: Okay. So you are looking forward to it?

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah. Thank you.

QUESTION: Dyson is a very restrained character. There's always something about him that is just simmering underneath it all. Do you find this a challenge as an actor, because it has to come through with your body language rather than the line that you're given to say. And also, I have to ask it, how much did you love getting the chance to pretend to be Kenzi?

ANNA SILK: That's a big spoiler alert, just so you know.

QUESTION: I couldn't help it. I'm sorry. I had to do it.

ANNA SILK: Of course. No, of course.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, that was great. We're talking about something in season two here. And yeah, season two is being a bit of a tough, tough pull for Dyson, and to get to play a different character for one episode was fantastic and especailly Kenzi, who Ksenia Solo played so well, and who I'm lucky to have such a great relationship with, and she helped me out tremendously. We really teamed up to help each other out. And it was a great experience.

As far as your first question about the restraint, I think it's become something that's really inherent in Dyson, and part of it came out of a necessity of the way we shot first season, which was completely out of chronological sequence, so a lot of times we didn't know what we were going to have to do in the (preselect), we choose episode nine, and then episode three, and so sometimes we didn't know what we were going to have to react to. So you sometimes have to play this ambiguous line.


KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: But also in my style of acting, I tend to internalize things more than externalize them, and I think people pick up on stuff that. I mean, we're such sensitive creatures that even if you internalize things, people pick up on them. And the way I like to act is that I find if people are using their own imagination to put onto your character what it's feeling then often more authentic than me trying to demonstrate something.

SCIFI VISION: Obviously there's good things about the Fae and bad things about the Fae, but if you had the choice and you could have powers of one of them, would you want it or would you not?

ANNA SILK: Well, yeah, I think I'd kind of like to have the power that I have on the show.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah. I'd like that too.

ANNA SILK: I just think that it's become such a big part of - it is who Bo is. So for me as the actor, it's become something that I really enjoy playing. So I think that it's the closest one to me in terms of what I like. So yeah, I think I'd like to have that power.


ZOIE PALMER: I don't even know what I'm saying over here. Babbling by myself. Sorry.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, I'd love to have Dyson's power, sure, or are you asking which power we'd like to have?

SCIFI VISION: Well, if you would in real life, which one, if you had the choice?

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: I don't know, Vex's would be pretty fun.

ZOIE PALMER: I know, I always say Vex.


ZOIE PALMER: Vex was pretty cool.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah, a little bit of Vex. I'm digging Dyson. I mean I'm pretty close to him right now, so I like being able to turn into an animal and live for a very long period of time. I like longevity.

ZOIE PALMER: Kris Holden, he'd like longevity.

ANNA SILK: And Kris is already pretty (wolfie), like you are. You became very, you've got an animalistic way of moving, and...

ZOIE PALMER: He is, yeah.

ANNA SILK: ...it works for ya.

ZOIE PALMER: It does work for you, Kris.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: It's called wearing too tight underwear and you just start moving that way.

ANNA SILK: There was a technique we learned about.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: An actor prepared.



ZOIE PALMER: I think I'd like a combo of Vex and Bo. If Vex and Bo could create one power, I don't know what that would be specifically, but some combination of the two of their powers. I wouldn't mind that. Just for a day, I wouldn't want to always have that power.

Or maybe a week.

ANNA SILK: Give it a week.

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, I'll give it a week. Yeah.

QUESTION: I wanted to ask a question about the expansion of season two from 13 to 22 episodes. What was it [that] triggered that expansion? Was there something that really caught on with the second season that people wanted to know more before you moved on to a season three?

ANNA SILK: Well, we had such tremendous success with season one here in Canada, and now it's been successful in different parts of the world as well. But season one was very successful here in Canada, and so I think going into season two, even though it was meant to be a 13-episode season, there was always that possibility that we could get a back nine and make it 22. So I think we kind of knew that might happen and then once we got into filming, it was decided pretty quickly that that's what we wanted to do. While I didn't make that decision...

ZOIE PALMER: Anna did (unintelligible) we were going to.

ANNA SILK: I decided. No. That's the power I wish I had. But it was decided pretty early on, and I think we did - the network loves the show. It's been incredibly successful, and they wanted to do more of it, which is a pretty rare thing, particularly here in Canada, to have that kind of run on a show. So we were pretty lucky.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: And I'm not really sure time-wise, but I think it also had to do with SyFy's interest and our exposure, our upcoming exposure in the States as well. Our ratings in Canada have been fantastic. So it's results a lot going on.


QUESTION: How important was it for you guys to know that there wouldn't be a remake, but rather that everyone does get to see your version, as opposed to say, Being Human?, which has a very successful run both on the UK as well as the U.S. But here you guys get to be the only version that we get to see.

ZOIE PALMER: Right, right, right.

ANNA SILK: Yeah, I'm really glad that the concept wasn't sold. I'm really glad that our version is going to be seen, because I think it's such a unique show that was so specifically cast, and I can't really imagine anyone else in these roles. Maybe in one day, Lost Girls, A Next Generation. I don't know. But I can't imagine it having the same feel without this cast of characters and actors.

Kris Holden-RiedQUESTION: How much are you involved in the story writing process? Do you like to give input regarding your part, or do you leave that part completely to the writers?


ANNA SILK: Yeah, we definitely have input. Michelle Lovretta, who created the show, and the staff of writers we've had over the first and second season have developed such rich characters, but what's really great is that we've developed a relationship with them and they write to our strengths as actors, I think.

And I think that they're very open to our input, which is really crucial, because it creates a really nice dialog, and creates a better show ultimately. So we're really lucky that it's a pretty open door...


ANNA SILK: ...between actors and writers on our show.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: (Unintelligible)

ZOIE PALMER: Yeah, they're really great about hearing our thoughts on it.

KRIS HOLDEN-RIED: Yeah. [With] some of the bigger-budget shows you have so many different cooks in the kitchen. You have so many different network checks that the actors don't get a chance. But we actually can sit in the writers' room, and every time we bring our scripts in, before the read-throughs, and they're very attentive to our ideas about our characters, and it's a real collaborative treat. And I think we're all really enjoying it.

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